Monday, October 1, 2012

The Rama Road Project

“When I read books I imagine I’m in the story, it’s like I’m in another world” said 9 year old Tatiana as she smiled up at me while reading her new book that she received from Promising Pages.  On September 24th I was blessed with the opportunity to go and visit Rama Road Elementary School to assist with the first “Bigs” meeting for Big Brothers, Big Sisters.  On this day, juniors and seniors from Country Day High School came to the elementary school to meet with their “Littles.”  This is a 10 year initiative between the high school and the Big Brother, Big Sister program where the high school students spend an hour a week at the elementary school with their mentees.  The mentors spend quality time with the elementary school students participating in activities such as talking, reading, or simply having lunch with their “Littles.”   

Rama Road is a Title 1 elementary school with 540 students.  Of those students, 87.8% of them are economically disadvantaged.   With so many students that are in need, teachers have to refer kids that they think need extra attention to the program and they are then placed with their “Bigs.”  Susan Augustine,   the Enrollment and Match Specialist, for the program at Rama Road beams when she talks about how effective the program is for the students.  As great as the program is, at the end of last school year she had a dilemma and our relationship with Susan would soon form.  When the school year was coming to a close Susan began planning the end of the year event for all the kids.  While planning she was able to get them great handmade bookmarks, but she realized that the kids had no books to place the bookmarks in.  It was then that Susan contacted Promising Page’s Executive Director, Kristina Cruise, to see if the organization would be able to help.  The partnership was a perfect alliance as both organizations mission is to help children in any way they can. 

When it came time for the end of the year, Promising Pages was able to donate close to 500 books to the elementary school students, as well as books for the programs own personal library.   The pairing was such a success that both parties decided to continue working together and decided to start a program throughout the school year.  For the 2012-2013 school year, Promising Pages will be hosting our Magic Book Parties for all 7 first grade classes at Rama Road.  The project will make it so that we may be able to donate at least another 5,000 books to Rama Road Elementary throughout the year.  These are books that will be going directly to kids like 9 year old Tatiana. 

Susan Augustine summed it up beautifully when asked how she thought Promising Pages was benefitting the students at Rama Road, “It gives the students here books to take home with them and many of them don’t have any books at home. It encourages the kids to continue to read, and for them to see that reading can be fun.”  Hearing statements like this make everything that we do here at Promising Pages worthwhile. One child and one book at a time, we will continue to make a difference.

Have a great and blessed week!

-Sandrine Uwera

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