Monday, October 29, 2012

A New Beginning

                I remember walking into what looked like a mansion, my eyes grew big and I turned to my parents and said “This is ours?”  On this day in 2002, my family was moving into our new habitat house.  It had been 6 years since we had left Africa to start a new life in America.  When we first came to the US we were refugees that had nothing more than the suitcases and boxes we’d packed.   My parents used to always tell us how they never thought that they’d be able to own a home again when we moved here, but Habitat changed all of that for us. 

              On October 26th I experienced a Deja-Vu moment as I was able to experience the Rahlan-Ksor house dedication in Mathews, NC.  The Rahlan-Ksor family, a family with six children that fled Vietnam and was offered asylum in the US, was able to become a part of the Habitat family on this day.  On this day, Promising Pages was also able to become a part of the Habitat family.   This event officially instituted our new partnership with Habitat for Humanity Mathews.  For every house that this sector of Habitat builds, we will supply the home with a bookshelf full of handpicked books.

                We arrived an hour prior to the dedication and set up the bookshelf in the Rahlan-Ksor home.  We also surrounded the bookshelf full of 135 books with 18 personally wrapped books that we carefully chose for the 6 children.  We covered the bookshelf with a cloth and prepared for the reveal.  When the event began and it was time for the Promising Pages presentation we revealed the books and gladly looked on as the children excitedly opened their presents.  It was amazing seeing the girls giggle at their new books about Barbies, Princesses, Junie Bloom and other characters that we were all raised on.  But personally I loved seeing how happy the family’s 2 year old son was when he opened his gifts, the only time I saw the little guy sit down for more than a minute.

                The event was truly a humbling experience for me.  It reminded me of how far my family has come and how hard my parents worked to ensure that my brothers and I made it to college.  I wish the same for those 6 sweet children I met and cannot wait for the follow-ups when I get to go and replenish their bookshelf.   This moment will give this family hope, and with hope I know they will be able to accomplish anything.

Have a great and blessed week everyone!

Sandrine Uwera

Friday, October 26, 2012

"Where there is unity, there is strength"

The concept of your two worlds colliding might make most nervous, but for me it was a fantastic experience that brought a huge smile to my face.  On Friday, Oct 19th my worlds collided as UNC Charlotte's National Pan Hellenic Council came to volunteer at our Promising Pages warehouse.  The NPHC is composed of the 9 historically black Greek fraternities and sororities, and their mission is to work together and consider problems of mutual interest to its member organizations. As a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. I have been able to see all the great work that they do on my campus as well as in the Charlotte community so I had no question that working with them would be nothing less than a success. The volunteer activity was a part of their NPHC week and launched our first event together through our new partnership. Frederick Kenley, the president of UNCC's NPHC said, "It was truly a humbling experience that took many of us back to our childhood for about 3 hours.  We definitely cannot wait to continue our partnership with Promising Pages by supporting their mission." 

The council supported us in a major way as they helped to organize the thousands of adult books that we had in the warehouse.  These are the same books that we will be selling at our Promising Pages book drive December 1st and 2nd.  The money that we raise at this drive will go towards operating costs, and eventually to our dream book mobile that we are hoping to add to our Promising Pages arsenal.

I've always believed that friends that work together can accomplish amazing things, and I look forward to seeing all the great things that my friends will do for Promising Pages.  This event was a way for those that I see every day on campus to get a glimpse at something that I have a passion for. We're all familiar with the saying that "it takes a village to raise a child," but I also believe that it takes a community to achieve change. Together we will push Promising Pages to new heights. 

Have a great and blessed weekend!

Sandrine Uwera

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Splendid Day at ChezElle

 What do high fashion and Promising Pages volunteers have in common? More than we thought! The many talents of Pages Founder Kristina Cruise continue to amaze me as she can now happily check high fashion print model off her list.

Kristina, myself and fellow intern Sandrine Uwera will be featured in the upcoming issue of N Focus magazine. Lucky for us the article included a fabulous photo spread and a chance to pose in some of Charlotte most trend setting fashions from ChezElle Boutique in Southpark. 
ChezElle is one of a kind here in Charlotte. If you look around, you realize how much detail is put into the store. I was taken aback by observing the unique labels, and exclusive designers. Everything in that store seem stylish and affordable. They have an array of clothing, and jewelry that are just to die for.

ChezElle owner Laryn Adams recognizes that most boutiques in Charlotte carry a lot of the same labels and strives to provide her customers with something new and different. Adams decided to change up the status quo and opened ChezElle in March of 2003. 

The store has caught the eyes of celebrities such as Homeland television series co star Claire Danes. Danes is well known for starring in Temple Grandin, Stardust, My so Called Life and Homeland.  Retail Associate Stacy told me, “Danes was a down to earth chick, she did not act like a high paid stuck up actress.”

Here you can find labels such as Elijah, James Coviello, Mara Hoffman, Lauren Moffat, Amanda Upchard, and Rory Beca and new, emerging designers like Tt & queue. Adams travels around the world to find these unique styles. 

N Focus Cover Shoot
Chez Elle is the place that Kristina Cruise, Sandrine Uwera, and I met to get ready for our glamorous photo shoot later in the day. I have to be honest I was very nervous and overwhelmed of what was to come. I came right in to the boutique and was rushed in to make up. Kymm from Mirror Mirror on the Wall and her associate worked her magic on my hair and face. I felt gorgeous.  I was able to wear a golden sequin corset with a long flowy taupe knitted skirt. Sandrine wore a beautiful blue-lace dress, while Kristina rocked a stunning turquoise dress with a faux fur vest and rocking books. I truly have to say that everyone looked beautiful! 

       Our photo shoot took place directly across from the boutique at Firebird. We really worked our way around the "set" posing in front of the fireplace and bar. Logan Cyrus was our talented photographer that gave us direction, and knew exactly what he wanted.

Cruise Poses for N Style Magazine

        The editor of N-Focus, Amanda Pagliarini heard of Promising Pages and wanted to promote our cause in her magazine. Check out the issue, it hits stands November 1st! We are thrilled and completely humbled to be a part of it. Thanks for all of the folks who came together to make this happen. Onward and Upward!

       I am grateful to be a part of something so great for Promising Pages. I enjoyed myself on that special day. And I knew that Promising Pages is exactly where I want to be. Every day I am inspired to do more!     

-Rasheeda Mickle

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Rama Road Project

“When I read books I imagine I’m in the story, it’s like I’m in another world” said 9 year old Tatiana as she smiled up at me while reading her new book that she received from Promising Pages.  On September 24th I was blessed with the opportunity to go and visit Rama Road Elementary School to assist with the first “Bigs” meeting for Big Brothers, Big Sisters.  On this day, juniors and seniors from Country Day High School came to the elementary school to meet with their “Littles.”  This is a 10 year initiative between the high school and the Big Brother, Big Sister program where the high school students spend an hour a week at the elementary school with their mentees.  The mentors spend quality time with the elementary school students participating in activities such as talking, reading, or simply having lunch with their “Littles.”   

Rama Road is a Title 1 elementary school with 540 students.  Of those students, 87.8% of them are economically disadvantaged.   With so many students that are in need, teachers have to refer kids that they think need extra attention to the program and they are then placed with their “Bigs.”  Susan Augustine,   the Enrollment and Match Specialist, for the program at Rama Road beams when she talks about how effective the program is for the students.  As great as the program is, at the end of last school year she had a dilemma and our relationship with Susan would soon form.  When the school year was coming to a close Susan began planning the end of the year event for all the kids.  While planning she was able to get them great handmade bookmarks, but she realized that the kids had no books to place the bookmarks in.  It was then that Susan contacted Promising Page’s Executive Director, Kristina Cruise, to see if the organization would be able to help.  The partnership was a perfect alliance as both organizations mission is to help children in any way they can. 

When it came time for the end of the year, Promising Pages was able to donate close to 500 books to the elementary school students, as well as books for the programs own personal library.   The pairing was such a success that both parties decided to continue working together and decided to start a program throughout the school year.  For the 2012-2013 school year, Promising Pages will be hosting our Magic Book Parties for all 7 first grade classes at Rama Road.  The project will make it so that we may be able to donate at least another 5,000 books to Rama Road Elementary throughout the year.  These are books that will be going directly to kids like 9 year old Tatiana. 

Susan Augustine summed it up beautifully when asked how she thought Promising Pages was benefitting the students at Rama Road, “It gives the students here books to take home with them and many of them don’t have any books at home. It encourages the kids to continue to read, and for them to see that reading can be fun.”  Hearing statements like this make everything that we do here at Promising Pages worthwhile. One child and one book at a time, we will continue to make a difference.

Have a great and blessed week!

-Sandrine Uwera