Monday, April 22, 2013

We Love Our Volunteers!

            This week, Promising Pages representatives got the opportunity to attend two (delicious!) volunteer appreciation lunches at Albemarle Road and Rama Road Elementary. We were happy to attend and grateful to be included, but with all this appreciation going around, we felt it only fair that we thank our volunteers, too!

            Promising Pages is dependent on volunteers in order to meet the needs of our community. Many wonderful volunteers and groups have supported our efforts this year by donating their time to process, wrap, and distribute books. Your individual and group participation has been instrumental to us in working towards our OMBR goal—we hope to donate over one million books to kids in our community by the end of this year. We could not function at the capacity we do without your continued help and support, and so we thank you, from the bottom of our collective hearts.  

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