Thursday, May 30, 2013

And the Award Goes to...

This past Tuesday Promising Pages had the opportunity to partner with our sweet friends at Rama Road Elementary for another Book Party full of surprises (no Boas this time around!). We have had the privilege of working with these students at Rama since the beginning of Fall 2012 and they have become dear to our hearts as they gradually built up their personal libraries with each month's Follow Up Book Party. 

For the last Book Party of the semester, students were allowed to "shop" for their final selection of books through the 400+ paperbacks, chapter books, and wrapped "surprise" books" laid out on their cafeteria tables. As they found their favorites, Erma and Ermina got to check in with students, make sure they've been reading, and wish them a happy summer. 

After the students collected books, a sweet surprise for the seven first grade
 classes came in the form of a small awards ceremony to recognize students on their dedication to reading. Fourteen students received framed awards from Erma, seven for Most Improved readers and seven for Accelerated Readers, and a small photoshoot ensued. These students proudly accepted their award with smiles --but the greatest part was seeing their class go wild with cheers and clapping as they walked up to Erma. It truly showed that Rama has made reading something that unites students as they work hard to build their reading level, and Promising Pages has felt so fortunate to partake in their efforts!


After our "book shop," the award recipients received the special privilege of dining with Erma for lunch and catching up on their favorite reads.This may the end of the semester for Rama, but we can not wait to see our friends back next semester as second graders and continue to be blown away by their reading skills! 
Happy Summer Rama Road!

Our Fourteen Award Recipients with Erma at lunch

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