Thursday, May 30, 2013

And the Award Goes to...

This past Tuesday Promising Pages had the opportunity to partner with our sweet friends at Rama Road Elementary for another Book Party full of surprises (no Boas this time around!). We have had the privilege of working with these students at Rama since the beginning of Fall 2012 and they have become dear to our hearts as they gradually built up their personal libraries with each month's Follow Up Book Party. 

For the last Book Party of the semester, students were allowed to "shop" for their final selection of books through the 400+ paperbacks, chapter books, and wrapped "surprise" books" laid out on their cafeteria tables. As they found their favorites, Erma and Ermina got to check in with students, make sure they've been reading, and wish them a happy summer. 

After the students collected books, a sweet surprise for the seven first grade
 classes came in the form of a small awards ceremony to recognize students on their dedication to reading. Fourteen students received framed awards from Erma, seven for Most Improved readers and seven for Accelerated Readers, and a small photoshoot ensued. These students proudly accepted their award with smiles --but the greatest part was seeing their class go wild with cheers and clapping as they walked up to Erma. It truly showed that Rama has made reading something that unites students as they work hard to build their reading level, and Promising Pages has felt so fortunate to partake in their efforts!


After our "book shop," the award recipients received the special privilege of dining with Erma for lunch and catching up on their favorite reads.This may the end of the semester for Rama, but we can not wait to see our friends back next semester as second graders and continue to be blown away by their reading skills! 
Happy Summer Rama Road!

Our Fourteen Award Recipients with Erma at lunch

Saturday, May 25, 2013

“Oh Snap --That’s Real!”

“Oh Snap, That thing is real!” exclaimed a surprised student as a live Boa Constrictor was revealed before his whole first grade class.
“Real” is a great way to describe the excitement and energy that swept across first grade classrooms this past Thursday at Reid Park Elementary School.

Erma and friends preparing to meet Ms. Krumpett
This Spring, Promising Pages has been fortunate to partner and share with Reid Park Elementary School our Magic Book Party Program in which each first grader was empowered by Erma the Book Worma to read while receiving books to build their own personal libraries. This last Book Party wrapped up the semester with something of a spectacle. Students were so excited to see Erma back in their classroom because they knew it meant something special, but nothing could have prepared them for surprise about to happen...

For this final Book Party, Promising Pages had the special opportunity to team up with children’s author, Henrietta Krumpett, to deliver new copies of Henrietta’s book, Noah the Boa to each first grader which she generously donated. In each class, Erma introduced Henrietta, who then explained that she was not only a writer but a  reptile enthusiast and wanted to share that love with them today. Promisng Pages then distributed new, gift wrapped copies of Henrietta’s book Noah the Boa.

 Students squirmed in their seats until Erma gave the “OK!” to open their gifts and wrapping paper went flying as students raced to see what they had received. After the excited squeals died down, Henrietta invited students to open their books to the first page, and they began to read aloud together. In impressive unison, students read through Noah’s adventure that begins after a forgetful zookeeper forgets to lock Noah’s cage! Noah causes quite the surprise as he explores town but in the end, he gets a sweet surprise of his own by meeting a new friend name Lu.  
After reading about Noah’s funny, but sweet nature as a snake, Henrietta asked the class if they had ever met a snake before. Then, the class gathered close as she pulled out from a blanket covered cage, not one but two snakes -- one being Henrietta’s own Boa! These creatures were met with a variety of gasps, squeals, and excited exclamations as some students inched forward for a closer look and some jumped back at the surprise of being so close to live snakes!
Henrietta giving the real facts about her scaly friend

Henrietta then calmly explained the real facts about snakes. Snakes are surprising unique creatures that often have a bad reputation. In fact, snakes help us out by keeping the rodent population down. Students saw how snakes shed their skin and and they correctly guessed the two “E” body parts humans have that snakes lack (Ears and Eyelids... and “Elbows” according to one student!) Students then had a question and answer session about Henrietta’s scaly friends. To complete the Party, students lined up to have each of their copies of "Noah the Boa" signed by Henrietta while Erma helped to continue to show off the snakes ... safe inside their box! 

Reid Park friends showing off their new books
Overall, it was definitely a memorable end to this semester's partnership with our Reid Park friends. We congratulate them on completing the first grade as strong readers, we hope them the best in second grade, and look forward to the real excitement continuing with our new first grade friends next Fall! We owe a huge thanks to Ms. Henrietta Krumpett for her generous donation of books and her expertise on snakes that we at Promising Pages and our Reid Park friends are sure to never forget! Check out Ms. Krumpett's book and passion by reading more here: and stayed tuned to hear about our summer Magic Book Parties with the YMCA Readers Program!
Erma, Henrietta, Promising Pages Interns, and Reid Park friends!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

2 Crazy Years!

           Two years ago today I was nervous wreck. May 2, 2011 marks the day when Promising Pages officially hit the Charlotte scene with the launch of "Books and Basics," a dual school supply and book drive in conjunction with Classroom Central. Our small team had spent the previous couple of months programming and planning while I had spent the previous several years dreaming of the then unnamed concept when suddenly, and not a moment too soon, Promising Pages became real and open to the Charlotte public.

Original "Books and Basics" Flyer

           The momentum over the past 24 months has been nothing short of a amazing to watch and incredible to be a part of. Books and Basics not only collected a then astounding 5,000+ books thanks to the 50 businesses that partnered with our fledgling mission, but May brought us even larger accolades including the birth of our Erma the Book Worma mascot, our Signature Magic Book Party, and a Charlotte Observer article that to this day keeps me going when the going gets tough.

             If you would have told this reporter 10 years ago I would become an early literacy advocate swimming in endless second-hand books at a donated South End warehouse, pioneering a smaller-than-needed staff of volunteers and interns on a shoe string budget with a baby strapped to my hip I would have laughed...and probably cried! But nothing, nothing has brought me more joy and translated to more fundamental change than what this grassroots organization offers to the community, and hopefully one day the world.

             I've always been up front about the fact that I was never literary nut growing up. I had my ordinary shelf full books at the end of the childhood hallway that I mostly took for granted, and I somehow made it though AP english in high school.  The truth is, I don't really care all that much about the books themselves. What I care about is the kids who get them and the profound impact these books have on their lives and their subsequent futures. These seemingly ordinary pages in conjunction with our programs are making such a quantifiable differences in their lives that I would have been a fool not to become a born-again book lover.  Every book that we get donated to us is filled with love from the donor who previously owned it and filled with hope for the child who will soon receive it as a special present. Our books and book parties are bridging brain synapses and building self esteem in ways we can't even begin to know right now. And what we do and the way we do it is being done nowhere else in the country. This world needs Promising Pages and I am here to give it to them to the best of my ability.

             These past two years have flown by and I am so grateful for the many wonderful people and organizations that have supported us and helped us become so successful despite the odds. I officially launched my first baby in May of 2011 and within a month I would find out I was pregnant with my second baby, which would be my first human baby. How's that for timing? That beautiful boy is now 14 months old and has handled more books than most kindergarteners. Promising Pages is my gift to him. My service and my sacrifice is my gift to him. I want him to grow up knowing how smart and capable he is and how much power he has to change the world in what ever way he is destined to. I want him to know that service is the rent we pay for living and something we MAKE time for. We are far more capable than we currently believe. We all have something deep inside of us that is the reason why we are here on this earth. I only hope my example with Promising Pages helps him find his own calling in life.

My Son and Husband last Summer

            It's time for this toddler of an organization to act like my son and start taking some major steps forward. This means big funding and corporate partnerships so we can stand on our own two feet and effect major change in the lives of more kids before they turn down a dark path.

            In the next couple of weeks a major foundation will announce myself and Promising Pages as the award recipient of an honor that is so big it still sounds only like a dream when I say it in my head. In two weeks we will bring our first part- time staffer on board and will soon be spending the summer with 40+ amazing high school interns, a program that landed us the cover of Society Charlotte Magazine in 2012. We will continue to process tens of thousands of donated books through our warehouse and look forward to our  future Magic Book Mobile and corporate title sponsor for our One Million Books Revolution. This summer we will announce our first international chapter of Promising Pages which is already in the works. There is no shortage of momentum in this organization that is much much bigger than you or I can even conceive right now. I am just a mother a wife and a journalist who grew up tin Florida and shockingly made it though adolescense. I take no credit for this organization beyond the fact that I listen to my inner voice, and execute, as well as try to maintain a positive attitude and a disciplined, forward-thinking imagination. For the honor to be of such great service, I am blessed.

Happy 2nd Birthday Promising Pages!

Kids Matter,

Kristina Cruise
Founder, Promising Pages