Monday, March 18, 2013

Following up with Rama Road

As you may have noticed this week, people in education (or people who work with kids in general), have started getting excited about Dr. Seuss, whose birthday is on March 2nd. On this day every year, you can find his works being read and activities done in his honor all over the country. What is Promising Pages doing for such an event?
Promising Pages’ claim-to-fame are the Magic Book Parties we host in the Charlotte area. The party excites students about reading and leaves them with a magic book of their very own. This year, Promising Pages is hosting its first Dr. Seuss Magic Book Party at Rama Road Elementary. We have a shipment of brand new books (“The Cat in the Hat” and “One fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish”) from First Book to distribute to the students at Rama Road. First Book is a national non-profit organization that works through smaller organizations (like us) to provide access to books to children who may have a hard time getting them.
We are very excited to be partnering with Rama Road for this event!  Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, on what would have been your 109th birthday, so, so close to Earth Day!


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