Monday, February 25, 2013

Where Do The Books Go?

Erma Helps with Open House

My best friend came to volunteer at the Promising Pages warehouse for the first time last week. As I was showing her around, she was astounded by the thousands of books we have received as donations. “What do you do with all these books?” She asked me. What a great question—I’m glad she asked! 
Promising Pages' claim-to-fame is the Magic Book Parties we host at TItle 1 elementary schools and shelters around the Charlotte area. At each party, children receive a book of their own, and receive several more when we follow up. But what we give away at Magic Book Parties is not even a scratch in our supply, and as our Founder Kristina Cruise says, “These books aren’t doing us any good sitting in our warehouse.”

This week, Promising Pages hosted two Open Houses for teachers, site coordinators, and directors of organizations in the Charlotte area that work with high risk children who likely do not have books at home. This gives other organizations the ability to use our warehouse as a resource, getting our books back out into the community where they are most needed.

Community Partners and Volunteer Kim Plyler (R)

It’s as simple as serving high risk kids,  signing up for a time slot days and bringing some empty boxes. The Open House allows representatives to take as many 10 books for each child they serve, absolutely free. We were able to give away over 7,000 books this week to some great organizations that can help us spread the love of reading to kids in Charlotte. Each book comes stamped with the Promising Pages logo, and has the potential to change a child’s life. Please follow us on Facebook for our next Open House Date if you are interested in getting books or helping run the event. We are 100% volunteer so every hand counts!

-Carley Foster, #readysetread 

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