Thursday, June 21, 2012

New 200 Book Club Members!

Promising Pages knows that its biggest heroes and most important members are the people who collect books for us, through drives, at drop-off locations, by cleaning out their garage, or any of the hundred other crazy ways our amazing donors find them. Our two newest 200 Book Club Members, Kaitlin (7) and Madison (9), went (with the permission and supervision of their parents) through their neighborhood and asked for books that people just didn’t use anymore and collected over 400 books in just five short weeks. 

Kaitlin and Madison both enjoy reading; it’s Kaitlin’s favorite school subject, and at times their mother has to prompt them to stop reading so that other things can get done. Madison’s favorite subject is math, but her favorite book is All About Rabbits. Both girls say they read almost every day and love to partner-read with one another, a great technique to improve their own reading skills and bonding over a fun but educational activity.

Kaitlin’s favorite books are Tangled and Brave. It’s great when young girls gravitate towards books with strong, independent female leads, and the confidence of Merida definitely has begun to bud in Kaitlin, who said she’s read the book twelve times already. 

Madison loves the color pink and was super-excited about how many books she and her sister could raise for Promising Pages with just the help of her parents and generosity of her neighbors. As she goes into the 4th grade, Madison is already showing great compassion and leadership skills, and a sense of altruism that we find truly inspiring. She also has a great sense of humor and wanted us to relay her favorite joke: why did the lion cross the road? To get to the other pride.

Madison and Kaitlin demonstrate what Promising Pages is all about: small actions with huge impacts and a focus on community, family, and education. We’re happy to welcome them to the special family of our 200 Book Club and expect that we’ll be talking about them and their amazing book drives again very soon!

Remember that you can organize a book drive for Promising Pages on your own! If you're interested, just let us know at We also have wrapping parties for getting books ready and tons of other awesome ways you can help just like Kaitlin and Madison did!

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